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CTSC Speakers Bureau

Fueling Our Future Transportation Needs
SPEAKER: Bill Chamberlin, Retired Lubrizol chemist
Bill has been involved in efforts to replace conventional transportation fuels since 1980. Each option considered had challenges and benefits, but all faced similar obstacles for implementation. Bill will review the past and give insight into the challenges facing vehicle electrification.

The Nuts and Bolts
of Nuts and Bolts
SPEAKER: Eric Franz, Mechanical Engineer
Stanley Assembly Technologies
This talk covers some of the basic engineering principles of threaded fastening technology: threaded fastening theory, tightening strategies, joint types and some common pitfalls in the use of threaded fasteners. The talk provides a basic application guide and showcases some of the available tools for critical fastening.

History of the Importance of Cleveland to Chemistry
SPEAKER: Helen Mayer, Ph.D.
Government Programs Liaison, Anovion
Known for driving continuous improvement, quality, training, and safety programs, she has achieved results that shift workplace culture and increase productivity and efficiency.

The Science
of the Flavor
of Whiskey
SPEAKER: Regan Silvestri
Professor of Chemistry,
Lorain County Community College
Unprecedented new flavors of bourbon created via a novel accelerated aging process! How much fun a group of undergraduates can have doing nerdy science stuff when the topic is whiskey!

​Quality 4.0. Don't Feel Overwhelmed Feel Motivated
SPEAKER: John Cachat
Cleveland Chapter ASM
While the base principles of Quality and quality management systems aren’t changing, electrification and other new technologies continue to shape the future of mobility – making it more critical than ever to harness the power of new technology.

Materials and Processes in
the Manufacture of Civil War
Small Arms
SPEAKER: John Harkness FASM
Retired Principal Scientist,
Alloy R & D, Materion Inc.
The evolution, by mid-19th Century, of the "American System" for the manufacture of multi-component products with fully interchangeable parts is described in relation to the US Model 1855-64 Springfield and British Pattern 1853 Enfield rifle-muskets.

Sustainable Aviation:
NASA Technology Development
SPEAKER: Joseph Connolly, Aerospace Engineer/
Deputy for Electrified
Aircraft Propulsion/NASA
Innovative technologies, aircraft concepts, test aircraft, and ground test facilities will turn this vision of efficient flight from science fiction to reality.
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